Date for the diary: BLCS Annual meeting April 2023

We are delighted to announce that the 2023 British Liquid Crystal Annual Meeting will take place in Glasgow, jointly hosted by the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde. The meeting will take place 19-21 April 2023.

As always, the Annual Meeting brings together researchers from all fields of liquid crystal science, at all career stages, but in particular aims to be a platform for early career researchers, from academia and industry, to present their work.

We very much look forward to meeting you in Glasgow next year. For more information, please visit the meeting website

Deadline for abstract submission: 13th February 2023
Registration opens: 3rd January 2023

2020 George Gray Medal awarded (at last) to Prof. Ewa Górecka

After two years of waiting, our 2020 George Gray medal winner, Prof. Ewa Górecka (University of Warsaw), was finally presented with the award in person.

Prof. Ewa Górecka 2020 Gray Medal winner

Prof. Ewa Górecka (University of Warsaw) receiving the 2020 BLCS Gray Medal Award from the current chair the of the BLCS, Prof. Nigel Mottram, together with past Chairs, Profs John Goodby and Corrie Imrie. Photo credits go to BLCS Treasurer, Prof. Giampaolo D’Alessandro.

Prof. Górecka’s work on the chemistry and physics of liquid crystals has been hugely influential over the last 30 years. Her work has led to crucial insights into the structure and organisation of almost all phases of liquid crystal, focussing particular on aspects of chirality, ferro/antiferroelectricity, polarity and investigating newer phases such as the twist-bend phase. Prof. Górecka has collaborated with many institutions around the world, including visiting professorships at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, KAIST research university in Korea, Penang University in Malaysia, the French Institute of Physics and Material Chemistry, Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, and the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. For many years, she has had substantial collaborations with the University of Maribor and the University of Aberdeen. She has received previous awards from the Japanese Society of Applied Physics, the Wiktor Kemula Prize, the Prof. Wojciech Świętosławski Prize, and the Prime Minister’s Award for outstanding scientific achievements.

The award was presented during the recent International Liquid Crystal Conference in Lisbon by the current BLCS Chair, Prof. Nigel Mottram, together with past Chairs, Profs John Goodby and Corrie Imrie, and the BLCS Treasurer, Prof. Giampaolo D’Alessandro (who also took the photographs).

Prof. Ewa Górecka 2020 Gray Medal winner

Prof. Ewa Górecka (University of Warsaw) along side Profs. Nigel Mottram, John Goodby and Corrie Imrie.

BLCS Distinguished Visiting Lecturer Fund

Lecturer giving a scientific presentation

We are pleased to announce the BLCS Distinguished Visiting Lecturer Fund. The Distinguished Visiting Lecturer Fund aims to support the visit to the UK by distinguished researchers in liquid crystal science and related areas.
The fund is to be used to cover the Visiting Lecturer travel and living expenses. The visiting lecturer is encouraged to visit UK institutions to give seminars and engage in scientific interchanges. For any queries on the scheme please contact BLCS secretary. Further details of the scheme are available on our Opportunities page.

BLCS Annual Meeting 2022: abstract submission now open

The BLCS Annual Meeting 2022, will take place 11-13 April in Bristol at the University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus. As always, the BLCS conference will be foremostly a platform for young researchers, whether PhD students or early career researchers, to present their work to an expert audience.

This year we are looking forward to welcoming you in person and in addition we are encouraging everyone to think outside the box for their presentation and consider

  • New and unusual applications of liquid crystal research.
  • Liquid crystals beyond low molecular weight.
  • Liquid crystals as art
  • How to make liquid crystals interesting for non-experts

Abstract submissions for both oral and poster presentations are now open with specific details on how to submit an abstract on the conference website.

Deadline for abstract submission: Saturday 12 March 2022



Date for the diary: BLCS Annual Training Workshop: June 15-17, 2022, Birmingham.

We are pleased to announce the next edition of the British Liquid Crystal Society (BLCS) Annual Training Workshop will be held at the University of Birmingham from 15-17 June 2022.

The workshop, being funded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), is intended to provide education and training for the next generation of researchers in the highly interdisciplinary area of liquid-crystal research, highlighting its recent advances in the wider context of soft and biological matter.

The 2022 event will be held as a physical event in the summer. The three-day event will start at noon on the 15th June and finish in the late afternoon of the 17th, and will include lectures, practical training sessions and a mini-symposium “Liquid-Crystal Research in the 2020s”; the mini-symposium will discuss emerging questions and open problems in liquid-crystals research and at its interfaces. The workshop is intended for early-stage researchers (primarily PhD students, but also post-doctoral research associates and researchers in industry, who are relatively new to the field of liquid-crystal research, irrespective of their academic disciplines) and can offer limited number of places.

For further details and to register your interest please download this Expression of Interest form. Note the deadline for expressions of interest is 28 February 2022. There are no registration fees for accepted participants.

The final programme will be made available here in due course. The list of speakers confirmed so far is as follows:

  • Dr Dwaipayan Chakrabarti
  • Prof. Cliff Jones
  • Prof. Apala Majumdar
  • Prof. Georg Mehl
  • Prof. Nigel Mottram
  • Dr Mamatha Nagaraj
  • Prof. Jon Preece
  • Prof. Mark R. Wilson
  • Prof. Julia Yeomans

The 2022 call for BLCS Prizes and Medals

We are delighted to announce the opening of the 2022 call for BLCS Prizes and Medals. The British Liquid Crystal Society is calling for nominations for the below listed society awards. All nominations must be sent to the Secretary (contact details and advert can be viewed here) by the deadline of Thursday 27th January 2022. Society awards:

  • W. Gray Medal
  • Hilsum Medal
  • BLCS Young Scientist Prize
Please see the advert and the BLCS website for full rules on each award here.

Calls for nominations to the steering committee 2021

At the next BLCS annual meeting in Aberdeen 2021 we are looking for nominations for Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer and for Ordinary members onto the steering committee.

Nominations for committee must be sent to the Secretary by 15th June 2021. Both nominees and nominators should be members of the Society and permission of the nominee must be obtained. Nomination forms are on the last page of this letter which you can download from this link: committee nominations.

I would encourage you all members to consider nominating for this great opportunity. For further details of current committee members you can view the Information Pages.

BLCS Annual Meeting 2021: abstract submission and registration now open

The BLCS Annual Meeting 2021, will take place online 21st-24th June 2021. This year for the first time the annual meeting of the BLCS will be a virtual meeting (due to the global pandemic), with chairs from the University of Aberdeen.

Abstract submission for both oral and poster presentations and Registration are now open via the conference website.

**New Extended Deadlines**

  • Deadline for abstract submission: Mon 7 June 2021
  • Deadline for late registration: Sun 20 June 2021


If you had registered previously for BLCS 2020, you should have received an email from our colleagues at CPD services regarding full or partial refunds and registration for this year: do not register again until you’ve spoken to CPD services! If you have not received the email and believe you should have, please get in touch with them directly at Please resubmit an abstract via the website even if you submitted one previously.

For those who did not register last year: More information can be found at our website

Registration fees are: £20 (students) and £30 (non-students).


Date for the diary: BLCS Annual Training Workshop: January 7-8, 2021 online

EPSRC logo
The next workshop in the British Liquid Crystal Society (BLCS) Annual Training Workshops series will be held on an online platform on 7-8 January 2021.
The two-day event will include a mixture of “live” and pre-recorded lectures, discussion hours and modelling training sessions, and a mini-symposium. The workshop is intended for early-stage researchers (primarily PhD students, but also post-doctoral research associates and researchers in industry, relatively new to the field of liquid-crystal research, irrespective of their academic disciplines). The workshop when held in traditional setup can offer only limited number of places.

For further details and to register your interest please download this Expression of Interest form. Note the extended deadline for expressions of interest is 16th December 2020.

The final programme will be made available here in due course. The list of speakers confirmed so far is as follows:

  • Dr Dwaipayan Chakrabarti
  • Prof. Cliff Jones
  • Prof. Apala Majumdar
  • Prof. Georg Mehl
  • Prof. Nigel Mottram
  • Dr Mamatha Nagaraj
  • Prof. Jon Preece
  • Prof. Ivan Smalyukh
  • Prof. Gordon Tiddy
  • Prof. Mark R. Wilson
  • Prof. Julia Yeomans
  • Prof. Marjolein Dijkstra