Date for the Diary: Smart NanoMaterials 2018 10-13 December 2018

Internationally known experts, including industry leaders, will join the first European conference on Smart Nanomaterials to discuss the most critical technological advances, innovations and new practical applications in smart technologies.
SNAIA2018 will provide a unique platform to meet, share knowledge and establish links between experts from academia and industry in the emerging fields of Wearable (Opto)Electronics, CMOS Photonics, Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, OptoGenetics, Smart Coatings and Thin Films. This conference will include a session on soft matter and liquid crystal nanomaterials.

The meeting is mainly organized under the auspice of the Royal Microscopical Society, UK, and the European Microscopy Society. For more information please see here or view the conference website.

Date for the Diary: IoP one day meeting on magnetic resonance spectroscopy in honour of Professors Jim Emsley and Geoffrey Luckhurst – 25 June 2018

This year sees the 50th year of Professor Jim Emsley and Professor Geoffrey Luckhurst career in Chemistry at the University of Southampton. To mark this there is to be a special meeting arranged by the IoP on magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The meeting is being held at the University of Southampton on 25th June 2018, all are welcome. Further details of the meeting can be found here.

Date for the Diary: One day SID technical meeting: 50 years of LCD Research, 7 June 2018

This is a one day technical meeting titled 50 years of LCD Research. The meeting will take place on Thursday 7th June 2018 at the Royal Academy of Engineering, London. The event has notable speakers such as Cyril Hilsum, Martin Schadt, Peter Raynes, Phil Bos and Henning Sirringhaus plus will include the SID UK and Ireland Chapter Annual General Meeting. See here for programme, venue and registration details or visit the website.

Programme updated 06/06/2018

BLCS Annual Meeting 2018: abstract submission and registration now open

The BLCS Annual Meeting 2018, will take place 26th-28th March at the University of Manchester. The conference will cover cutting edge research across all elements of liquid crystal science, including chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, materials science and bio-science.

Abstract Submission for both oral and poster presentations and Registration are now open via the conference website.

Deadline for abstract submission: 7th February 2018
Deadline for early-bird registration: 18th February 2018
Poster abstract are still being accepted.

BLCS Liquid Crystals Workshop at Hull 2018

The BLCS Liquid Crystals Workshop at Hull will be held from lunchtime Wednesday 3rd January 2018 to lunchtime Friday 5th January 2018.  The Workshop is designed for those relatively new to the field of liquid crystals, particularly for PhD students working in liquid crystals and related materials across all areas of science and technology, but also for other researchers in university or industry.  Thanks to the generosity of an EPSRC research grant, the Workshop is free of charge for all PhD students registered with a UK university, and the cost for others is relatively inexpensive at 150 pounds (Academic) and 250 pounds (industrial and commercial).  Anyone interested please see the website here, and send the appropriate registration form, or preferably an e-mail with the same information, to Mike Hird (

Update: The Hull website is not working at the moment so please do register by emailing Mike Hird.

Date for the Diary: Light Scattering for Soft Matter – Techniques and Applications: 4/5 September 2017

A two day Discussion Meeting on ‘Light Scattering for Soft Matter – Techniques and Applications’, organized at the University of Leeds between 4th and 5th September 2017. The meeting will focus on the development and status of the field of dynamic and static light scattering applied to a variety of materials and questions within soft matter. A particular emphasis will be placed on light scattering techniques developed for the investigation of turbid systems where multiple scattering becomes significant. The use of  light scattering to study materials based on polymers, colloids, and liquid crystals, and many other soft composite systems will be covered and applications important to industry e.g. within the food, energy, agriculture and household care area will be discussed. The meeting aims at a broad audience from both academia and industry and is organised to facilitate discussions and sharing of knowledge and ideas. For more information and to register, please use the link here.

Date for the Diary: BLCS Young Researcher Meeting: 11 September 2017

The first British Liquid Crystal Society Young Researcher meeting is to be held at Durham University on the 11th of September 2017. This one day meeting will bring together young research scientists to present and network in a friendly informal environment.
While the focus of the meeting is on hearing about the work of research associates and PhD students, we welcome those at all stages in their career to attend what is promising to be an excellent day of science. Prof. Helen Gleeson of Leeds University will deliver a not to be missed plenary lecture. For enquiries and further information please see the flier here.

18/07/17 Update: The meeting website and registration are now available here.

Date for the Diary: CECAM school on Liquid Crystal Modelling and Simulation

The 23rd Course of the International Liquid Crystal School will be the CECAM school on Liquid Crystal Modelling and Simulation, in Erice, Italy from July 13th (arrival) to July 19th (departure), 2017.
The school is organized by CECAM-Italy e dal GNFM – National Group of Mathematical Physics. Details on the program, lecturers, registration and so on are available at here. Possible financial support for students is still available after acceptance to the school by the organising committee.